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Car dismantling machines are used in scrap automobile industry.

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Car dismantling machines are used in scrap automobile industry.
Latest company news about Car dismantling machines are used in scrap automobile industry.

In recent years, the number of scrapped cars in China shows a trend of substantial growth, and the sales volume of scrapped car bills is very large every year. However, the actual number of scrapped cars dismantled is far lower than that of scrapped cars, and the number of scrapped cars recovered through dismantling only accounts for about 30% of all scrapped cars.


At first glance, with so many scrapped cars, the profits of the companies involved should explode. However, China's current auto dismantling industry is in trouble: on the one hand, the value of second-hand steel continues to decline, the recycling price of scrapped cars has decreased by 250% in the past two years, and the profit margin of the auto dismantling industry is extremely low.


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On the other hand, the demand for scrapping and dismantling cars keeps increasing; The income of car dismantling decreased. How to improve the profit margin of auto dismantling has become an urgent problem for the whole industry.


Traditional car dismantling plants need to invest huge site rental costs, waste disposal costs, various taxes and operating costs. Traditional car dismantling efficiency is extremely low, labor costs have increased nearly 20% in the past two years. Labor costs are a high percentage of operating costs. The number of car parts that can be manually removed is extremely limited.


Hydraulic shears of excavators are not only more efficient than manual ones, but also more than 15% more efficient and powerful than ordinary hydraulic shears due to their unique design and innovative shearing way. Excavator hydraulic shears are suitable for a variety of operations, including steel structure crushing, waste disposal and other cutting steel, steel, storage tanks, pipes, etc.

Pub Time : 2020-09-11 16:52:52 >> News list
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